Fellow Snowmobilers:
Welcome to the Waunakee Winter Wanderers Website!
The Winter Wanderers are one of 600-plus clubs belonging to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC). Our club volunteers provide some 40+ miles of public snowmobile trails in the Waunakee area. Virtually all our trails cross privately owned properties via seasonal easements. First and foremost, we thank our landowners, for without them, we would not exist! Our trails interconnect with a statewide system of nearly 25,000 miles of public snowmobile trails. In comparison, there are under 12,000 miles of public numbered state highways in our state! Joining our club expands much farther than trail work. We take pride in the brotherhood developed between our members, neighboring club members, and statewide riders as well.
I cannot begin to explain the number of new friendships and relationships I have developed over the years through our organization. We strive to ensure that membership in our club will be a positive experience for yourself and your family! As a part of the snowmobiling community, I feel it is important for all to understand how Wisconsin’s Statewide Snowmobile Program works:
At present, clubs can claim up to $300 per mile for maintenance reimbursements on their trails that are designated as funded through the program. To be able to apply for additional supplemental funding, if available, you must have legitimately spent at least $200 a mile directly for grooming. Again, if the funds are available, you can then request up to a total of $900 a mile for maintenance under the supplemental funding criteria, with a $250 total cap per mile on non-grooming expenses.
All revenue collected from snowmobile registrations, annual trail passes, and out of state user sticker fees (minus 75 cents each for printing and distribution) are deposited into our Segregated Snowmobile Trail Aids Fund. We also receive into that segregated fund the fuel tax revenues on 50 gallons of gas per registered snowmobile in our state along with an additional 55% of that figure (in consideration of out-of-state users) as well. This fund is how the clubs get reimbursed for trail maintenance and grooming. It is also how projects and grants are awarded to clubs and county alliances that include replacing and repairing bridges and trails on our self-funded trail system. We hope to fund more of those club-provided public snowmobile trails in the future as well. These funds truly go to our clubs and trails! While the fund is administered by the DNR, only a very small portion of the money in that segregated fund goes to aid local law enforcement efforts.
There are some rules that must be followed to receive a discounted annual trail pass for being an AWSC club member. A family membership is defined as a legally married couple and children under the age of 19 years old and must be paid and current with the AWSC office. This group DOES NOT include significant others, siblings, friends or neighbors. Under the latest AWSC bylaw change, all AWSC memberships will expire annually on June 30th. To receive your discounted pass, you need to provide your registration number and your AWSC membership number when you apply.
Your registration must be current, your membership must be up to date, and both need to be in the same applicant's name. The club you join must meet regularly, be in good standing with the AWSC, and have a minimum of 10 members. To obtain your discounted pass, you can apply online with a valid credit card or you can print out and send an application with funds to the AWSC Office. The stickers are then sent out by the DNR Vendor. Please note that the AWSC does not stock trail pass stickers at the Deforest office.
Please understand the importance of joining or renewing your club membership ahead of time so that you receive your membership number and can apply for and receive your pass before you ride. It is also critical that your local club sends in your dues promptly to the AWSC when you sign up or renew your membership. It can take as long as a week to 10 days for the AWSC Office to process your membership during the height of the snow season and can take that long as well to receive your trail pass stickers once ordered. You can legally operate your snowmobile on the trail with your trail pass receipt for up to 30 days after you purchase them. You must have that receipt with you when you ride, as officials can and will ask you to present it if pulled over. Some complain when riding on the trails with just their receipt that they get pulled over multiple times during a trip, as they haven't gotten their stickers yet. The easiest way to remedy that issue is to buy them well in advance!
Thanks for your consideration!
Sam Landes
Executive Director-Dane County
Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs