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Dane County Trail Hotline (Open/Closed) call 608-242-4576.
Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month, starting in September and ending in April. We meet at 7:00 p.m. at Rex's Innkeeper in Waunakee.
Fund Raisers are a very important part of our club. Please support the club by purchasing our raffle tickets.
Trail Marking: Our club has divided our trails into sections. Each section has a Trail Master. Once the Trail Masters receive permission to cross private property, we mark trails the first two weeks of November as long as the crops have been removed. Obviously this takes many volunteers and all help is appreciated.
Club Activities: A club weekend or trail ride may be organized during the season, but snow conditions usually determine the success of such a venture. A summer picnic is also tradition and is held the second Tuesday in July.
Membership carries with it the benefit of receiving the latest club updates via email and the opportunity to attend our meetings held during the year. Additional benefits include a paid subscription to Wisconsin Snowmobiling magazine and knowing you are supporting an organization that promotes positive ethical snowmobiling.
Click here, download and complete the form, print and mail to the address at the bottom of the application with your check for $25.00 payable to "Waunakee Winter Wanderers".
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